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Shabbat Service
Etz Chaim Synagogue 267 Congress St, PortlandPlease join us either in-person or on Zoom for regular Shabbat service every Saturday starting at 9:45am. To join via Zoom, please use the following login information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2443770283 Meeting ID: 244 377 0283 Password: 18183636
Etz Chaim’s Hanukkah Party
Etz Chaim Synagogue 267 Congress St, PortlandCome celebrate and light the first candle at Etz Chaim's Hanukkah Party on 12/25/24 from 4 - 6:30pm. Lighting the Menorah (you are welcome to bring your own!) Songs and a story! Chinese food dinner and sufganiyot! Dreidel games and fun board games for all ages! Free of charge but donations are welcome Please RSVP ... Read more